The Washington Post: Trump exploited status anxiety within the Latino community
Latinos have divergent views about racial identity, but still see themselves as a group.
The New York Times: This Is How Biden Should Approach the Latino Vote
Some ways of talking about race and class are more effective politically. And not just with Hispanics. (with Tory Gavito)
The New York Times: How to Beat Trump at His Own Game
To fight back against the president’s racist policies, we also have to talk about class.
The Ecologist: Anti-racism and Extinction Rebellion(with Roger Hallam and Nuala Gathercole Lam)
At this critical juncture when literally everything is at stake the climate movement cannot succeed unless race, class and gender solidarity are at the heart of everything we do. (with Roger Hallam and Nuala Gathercole Lam)
The Nation: The Way Forward for Democrats Is to Address Both Class and Race
The Democratic Party can still forge a coalition of the working class and poor of all races. (with Robert B. Reich)
The Nation: How Populists Like Bernie Sanders Should Talk About Racism
To mobilize a multiracial coalition, progressives need to demonstrate how racism hurts us all. (with Heather McGhee)